Saturday, July 28, 2007

My journey down linux lane

So I've decided to try and migrate to a 100% linux desktop. I have toyed with various flavors (redhat, suse, mandrake) but I have to say that I'm pleased with using kubuntu. I've set up my system to dual boot until I completely ween myself off. So the installation was a piece of cake but trying to get my wireless usb adapter configured is like pulling teeth. I think this is probably one of the biggest road block of would be linux users. I like the fact that adept can update packages. The number one reason for migrating to linux though is the coolness factor. I love the fact that the console window can be transparent but the icing on the cake is beryl. I actually saw beryl while attending DefCon two years ago but did not know what it was called. It just flat out rocks. I'll keep you posted on how I progress.

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